Internal Merger
As of July 1st the companies WS-TECH AG and
Microwaterjet AG will be merged into Waterjet AG.
Remains unchanged: Your contacts including their telephone numbers remain the same. Moreover, we will continue to work with the brand microwaterjet®.
Will change: We will operate with only two addresses
(for correspondence) and one bank.
Site Aarwangen
Waterjet AG
Mittelstrasse 8
4912 Aarwangen
Site St.Gallen
Waterjet AG
Industriestrasse 15
9015 St.Gallen
Bank: Make your payments in any case only via this bank
Credit Suisse
4900 Langenthal
CHF: IBAN: CH78 0483 5035 3894 4100 0
EURO: IBAN: CH17 0483 5035 3894 4200 1